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The Catalyst Companies breathes fresh air into live events with dynamic, inspiring, and impactful experiences.



Quis aperiam quia illum ipsam enim possimus aut. Ipsam dolores sit. Est sed neque saepe. Quia repudiandae et officiis vel placeat labore aut itaque aspernatur. Itaque aut minus eum. Incidunt rerum ea eveniet omnis.

Recent Posts BY:
Types of AV Equipment: Guide for Event Planners
December 29, 2018

Whether it's a corporate conference, a product launch, or a team-building event, AV equipment is the gear that helps you communicate, collaborate, and share information effectively.

Director of Technology
What Is A Keynote Speaker?
December 29, 2018

A keynote speaker is a professional who delivers the main speech at an event, conference, or gathering.

Director of Technology
720p vs 1080p: What’s The Difference?
December 29, 2018

In event production, the quality of visual displays make or break an experience. You might have heard terms like 720p and 1080p thrown around, but what do they mean for your event? These terms are display resolutions that dictate the clarity and impact of video.

Director of Technology
Finding the Right Speaker: A Guide to Different Types Of Speakers
December 29, 2018

There's more to sound systems than simply ramping up the volume.

Director of Technology
What Is AV? The Event Planner's Guide
December 29, 2018

In this article, we explain everything you need to know about AV in your next event. Let’s make technical difficulties a thing of the past.

Director of Technology
The Ultimate Guide to Flawless Event AV Planning
December 29, 2018

AV technology plays a huge role in shaping the overall atmosphere and tone of an event. Our guide walks you through the essential steps of effective event AV planning to ensure your next event is top notch.

Director of Technology
Ice Breakers For Meetings - Virtual & In Person
December 29, 2018

An ice breaker is a game or activity that can be incorporated at the beginning of a meeting, webinar, or other event. We've picked out some good ones.

Director of Technology
UHD vs 4K: Which is Right for Your Event?
December 29, 2018

The terms UHD and 4K are often used interchangeably, even by tech media and TV manufacturers. But while they’re similar, they’re not exactly the same thing. 

Director of Technology
The Go-To Event Proposal Template and Guide
December 29, 2018

Event planners are like chameleons. They have to wear a variety of different hats throughout the planning process and keep track of each and every detail in order to ensure everything comes together at the right time. But one of the most important skills planners need is the ability to write a great event proposal.

Director of Technology